Monday, December 14, 2009

Back on U.S. Soil

So, we lost every game. Sweden won the world championship and beat us 28 - 1. Ouch. But I still had a great time over there, and the ladies of Team USA were the main reason. I think this photo sums it up nicely.

USA goalie love. :)

Still in adjudications. I am thinking of moving and starting over somewhere new while I wait for the foreign service stuff to fall into place. Anywhere is better than here.


fsowannabe said...

Any news- are you on the register? Best of luck!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, you'll get in eventually :) Until then, just keep living your life - you'll probably hear back when you're least expecting it...

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, you'll get in eventually :) Until then, just keep living your life - you'll probably hear back when you're least expecting it...

Brandee said...

No register yet, but I am finally in Final Suitability!

I hope to be on the register by the end of the month.